My Mood Stars Cushions Happy on one side and Sad on the other – ideal for self regulation!


Why not purchase any colour My Mood Stars ‘bundle’ and get your My Mood Star cushion for HALF PRICE only £3.99
Click here to add My Mood Stars bundle to the basket, then enter the code cushion22 at checkout to get your discount.




My Mood Stars cushions! Happy on one side and sad on the other!

These adorable cushions are ideal for home, travelling or for school!

Using these 51 cm cushions, made from soft plush helps your child communicate because they can tell you how they are feeling by cuddling Sad Star, on one side, or Happy Star on the other.

These giant, plush, star-shaped cushions give a feeling of security and love just like the regular My Mood Stars

The plush Star-shaped cushions are just lovely to sleep with or just cuddle up with on the sofa!

My Mood Stars cushions are appearing in more and more Early Years’ nurture corners.

Providers are recognising them as an essential tool for self-regulation

And adults love them too!

Joan, a resident of a local care home said that the softness of the cushion reminded her of the blanket on her bed when she was a toddler!

Here is an article about My Mood Stars in care homes

Let’s not forget teenagers! They can be too old for toys, but give them a My Mood Stars cushion and they can cuddle away those feelings of anxiety about exams, relationships or spots!

And don’t forget that you purchase one of these cushions for half price with a set of My Mood Stars or a set of My Mood Stars and any coloured board with the online code cushion22.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 51 × 51 × 15 cm

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